AMPED to Manage the Utility Solid Waste Activities Group

September 3, 2024

AMPED Association Management (AMPED), an accredited association management company, with offices in Wisconsin and Washington, DC, is pleased to announce the addition of the Utility Solid Waste Activities Group (USWAG) as a full-service client.

AMPED will provide full-service management, including governance support, membership growth, meeting coordination, program development, financial management, and communications.

“We are especially pleased to welcome legacy USWAG staff Dan Chartier and Koren Dixon to the AMPED team,” said Lynda Bouchard Patterson, FASAE, CAE, founder and CEO of AMPED. “Dan has been the USWAG executive director since 2022 and will continue this role at AMPED. Koren is the USWAG program specialist, with experience in meetings management and marketing. Both are talented additions to our DC team and a great fit with our culture.”

“USWAG’s leadership believes that AMPED offers the best fit for USWAG, and that AMPED’s expertise will allow USWAG to continue to build on its 46 years of service to the energy industry as it continues to adapt to the changing needs of its membership,” said Chartier. “One aspect that attracted us to AMPED was their thoughtful approach to finding the best technology solutions needed to support and enhance the member experience rather than trying to pigeonhole USWAG into a product just because their other clients used it.”   

Transitioning from Edison Electric Institute, USWAG is now an independent trade association, responsible for addressing solid and hazardous waste issues on behalf of the utility industry. Formed in 1978, USWAG members include over 130 utilities, utility operating companies, energy companies, and trade associations representing electric companies, utilities and cooperatives. The organization’s core mission is to support the industry's efforts to comply with federal environmental regulations, protect the environment and serve their customers.

Many of AMPED’s association partners transition from “stand alone” to AMPED to enhance operational efficiencies and integrate with a diverse team to perfect operations and accelerate growth. Others choose integrated management to combine their existing staff with AMPED’s to deliver the best results to their members.

The USWAG transition is underway, and AMPED will assume full-service association management on October 1, 2024.