A Home Base for Your Association

Your association’s headquarters will be nimble and responsive – offering professional resources and administrative solutions to further your organization’s goals.

Reliable Leadership Attuned to Your Needs

A generational retirement wave is sweeping the workforce. Before you look for your next full-time executive director, we’ll help you step back and take stock of your organization.

  • We make the transition seamless; all of your primary office needs are handled by professional, customer service oriented staff.
  • Our approach includes an organizational inventory of your processes, procedures, documents, and technology. 
  • We use industry benchmarking data to compare your organization to others of a similar size, reviewing spending in key areas like salaries. 
  • We do a comprehensive assessment of your current and future strategic direction. We improve or build upon your association’s existing strengths until you find the right permanent hire.
Over [our annual conference], several [board members] shared how pleased [they] are with our management team. They are proactive, accountable, self reflect to improve our academy’s activities to mention a few of the positives...it just reinforces my belief of how AMPED is not only the management company for now, but as our board perceives, they are positioned well to support where we are going!
- Matthew Mesibov, PT, GCS, President | APTA Academy of Leadership and Innovation

Does This Sound Like Your Association?

AMPED manages associations from all sectors with these key attributes:
  • Professional and trade associations, as well as foundations (Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3), 501(c)4, 501(c)(6) status)
  • Regional, national, or international reach
  • Operating budgets between $500,000 and $13 million
  • Members eager to take advantage of new technology
  • Leaders who want to lead, rather than manage, and see opportunities for growth
  • Mutual respect, trust, and partnership between volunteers and staff
  • Inclusive culture
Let's Talk about a Partnership
a group of men standing around a table shaking hands